Tofu and Wakame Seaweed Miso Soup

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Tofu and Wakame Seawood Miso Soup is a Japanese all-star recipe.The standard combination: miso soup with tofu and wakame seaweed garnished with chopped green onions. Miso and some well selected ingredients complete the uncomplicated taste of this classic miso soup.
TofuandWakameMisoSoup HikariMiso
Cook Time 5 minutes
Servings 3


  • 3 cups (720 ml) dashi soup stock (for our purposes 1 cup is equal to 240 ml)
  • 3 tbsp Hikari Miso's miso
  • ½ package soft tofu (approx. 5 oz or 150 g)
  • 1 tsp dried wakame seaweed (sold at most Asian markets and natural foods stores)
  • ½ cup or more chopped leeks or green onions


  • Pour dashi soup stock into a pot and place it over high heat.
  • Once dashi stock comes to a boil, turn heat down to low and stir in and dissolve the miso.
  • Cut tofu into 2 cm/3/4-in. cubes and cut wakame seaweed into about 2 cm/ ¾-in. square; then put them into the soup. You can avoid crumbling the tofu by sliding it into the pot directly from the cutting board.
  • Turn off the heat once the tofu starts to move but before they start to float.
  • Serve in a soup bowl. Top with chopped onions.

Product used in this recipe


Enjuku Koji Miso
26.4 oz (750 g)

Our Enjuku Kouji Miso is our best-selling miso in Japan for over 20 years. The Miso has birght beige in color, and has perect balance of umami and sweetness. Powerfull flavor with a long and complex finish gives very versatile cookig use for many miso soup recipe.


Organic Miso
White Miso
17.6 oz (500 g)

Our Organic Miso “White Miso” is the traditional Shinshu-style miso made from organic rice and soybeans, with bright beige in color, and an excellent balance of refreshing aroma and umami. It is the most versatile among Hikari Miso Organic Miso series to match with any cooking.

Organic Miso White 500g multiple language

Organic Miso
White Miso
(EU Organic Logo)
500 g

Our Organic Miso “White Miso” is the traditional Shinshu-style miso made from organic rice and soybeans, with bright beige in color, and an excellent balance of refreshing aroma and umami. It is the most versatile among Hikari Miso Organic Miso series to match with any cooking.

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